Sitemap - 2020 - The Mythic Masculine

#29 | Awakening From The Trance of Domination - Riane Eisler (The Chalice and the Blade)

#28 | Patriarchy In A Time With No Father - Stephen Jenkinson (Come of Age)

#27 | The Law Is In The Land - Tyson Yunkaporta (Sand Talk)

#26 | The Big Epic One Year Anniversary Episode - Ian MacKenzie + Elisa Spring

#25 | Rebuilding Men's Culture Through Song - Murray Kyle (Talisman)

#24 | The Anthropocene is a Motherf*cker - Jane Caputi

Special Episode: Launching The Mythic Masculine Network - Daniel Robert (Community Manager)

#23 | The Divine Path of Intimacy - Jack Zimmerman (Flesh and Spirit)

#22 | Language Is A Lens - Jared Qwustenuxun Williams (Cowichan Tribes)

#21 | The Roam and the Rapture - Michael Gay (Sacred Sons)

#20 | Surrendering To The Wisdom Of Your Body - Philip Shepherd (Radical Wholeness )

#19 | Dear White Men, From An Indigenous Woman - Pulxaneeks (Haisla Nation)

#18 | Next Culture & The Rise of Archearchy - Clinton Callahan (Possibility Management)

#17 | Whiteness in the Wake of Hungry Ghosts - Daniel Foor (Ancestral Medicine)

#16 | These Monsters In Perpetual Exile - Bayo Akomolafe

#15 | Decolonizing Men's Work - Dallas Goldtooth (1491's)

#14 | A Village To Hold Young Men - Nicky Wilks (Journeymen)

#13 | Gambling With the Knuckle Bones of Wolves - Martin Shaw (School of Myth)

#12 | Courting The Undefended Heart - Boe Huntress (Thirteen Queens)

#11 | The Origins of the Mythopoetic Men's Movement: Michael Meade (Mosaic Voices)

#10 | Queering the Pandemic - Day Schildkret (Morning Altars)

#9 | Fatherhood Is The Medicine - Adam Jackson (Sacred Sons)

#8 | From Mother Earth to Lover Earth - Charles Eisenstein (Sacred Economics)

#7 | Thriving Life & A Prayer for All Men: Pat McCabe (Woman Stands Shining)

#6 | The Boy Hero Must Die: Eamon Armstrong (Life is a Festival)

#5 | A Culture of Love Beyond Patriarchy: Benjamin von Mendelssohn (Tamera)