The term “toxic masculinity” is not without usefulness, but like other words such as “racist” and “woman,” it is at risk of losing its meaning and relevance at the hands of those who misappropriate it. The GQ author disqualifies himself in many ways, including when he makes the vapid statement that toxic masculinity is at the heart of American culture. Clearly, he hasn’t spent much time in several other cultures that come to mind immediately.

Additionally, it is a mistake, I think, to use the term in any political context. The “storming of the U.S. capital” is an event whose narrative is volatily challenging already without the introduction of mythopoetic terminology.

Finally, I take exception to the pitting of Bly vs. Peterson. JP has crusaded for young men in particular as very few others have, and not to the exclusion of women, on the contrary, has never advocated for anything but the transmutation of aggression and shows his own vulnerability in his honesty, compassion and emotions.

Keep up the great work, Ian.

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There seems to be a deep-rooted suspicion of mens work. The mainstream media can't stop describing this stuff as "woo woo," probably reflecting a poor understanding of mens work in rnd broader society.

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Bly, Mead, Malidoma, and Martín Prechtel all talk about the lack of male initiation in our society today. Bly talks about gangs of boys and young men today attempting to initiate each other. Because there are no respected elder men to initiate them. Bly believes that without a real/proper initiation, men do not learn how control the Wild Man within themselves and how to use the power of the Wild Man to benefit themselves, their families and their communities.

Robert Moore in his book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover talks about the dark side of each of these archetypes. Like the light and dark side of the Force in the original Star Wars.

If you haven't read Malidoma's

first book about his initiation. I encourage you to do so. I believe that Martín Prechtel talks about initiation in one of his books.

People can see You Tube videos of Malidoma and R. Moore

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Thanks for the comment Michael. I have indeed read Some's Of Water and Spirit, as well as Prechtel's Long Life Honey in the Heart. Both excellent.

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