What a fantastic invitation. I cannot wait to listen. Receiving this recording brought me so much joy today. I know this will be a powerful conversation. Cannot wait!!!!

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This is such an important topic! And I LOVE Starhawk. Thank you, Ian.

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“As I am a woman among sons, brothers, fathers, grandfathers, friends and lovers, it is with this bias and personal experience that I tell you, the feminine is not now nor ever will be absent from the discussion on the masculine. And visa versa. The masculine and feminine are inseparable.”—Visionary Dance Oracle, A Book of the Soul. Excerpt from a talk on Card 4. Maculinus

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It's not about women being good, and women being bad. And, yet, Starhawk only reflects on the male shadow. ("Violence is inflicted upon women.")

Starhawk sees the world in dualistic terms of good and bad (The Right has been creating a sense of belonging by exclusion.) She sees San Francisco as "one of the most diverse places in the world," and yet I suspect people who don't share your worldview world not feel welcome at all.

Rather than seeing the world in a polarized framework (Left/Good v. Right/Bad) I believe we need to transcend dualistic thinking.

Men have power. Women have power. But society seems to focus exclusively on the unearned power of men.

"Coming to terms with one's privilege can be very painful." I think we all have "privilege." Certain races are over represented in hockey and others are over represented in football. Is that indicative of unearned privilege or personal choice and individual effort?

I want to tune into your channel, but find your left leaning views alienating.

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